Number.201401001 zip party
in this place / 5-7am Slt / 21:00-23:00 Jst
-Guest DJ-
DJ Jina Gold (Korea) / Tech House & House
- DJ -
Ritsumo (Japan) / Oimo Fukashi style
Party organize and Host / Ritsumo
>>> Guest DJ / JíÑá GoLd / Korea
今回ZipでのStyleはTechHouseを選んだ初参加の Jina。
彼女が日本のステージでやったDEMOを聞いた時はDeepに近 いTechHouseと感じた。
そしてラストトラックで、 なぜ彼女がZipでやることをとても嬉しいと言ったのか理解した 。
jina was selected the Tech House on her first time of ZIp stage.
I felt her Tech House like a Deep House style When listened to her demo for the Japanese club.
And she said "I'm happy to be able to spin in this place".
Found her answer on last track of DEMO.
I think She will spin with that soul.
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